The Musings of a Muse

Friday, August 19, 2005


I dream that he sits on a patio sipping hot tea or cappuccino or Aquafina
(because someone once told me that Evian tastes like tap water)
shuffling his sandals while discussing politics and race relations
in southern cities with 1960's mentalities as I muse over the poem he wrote me
to go with the flowers he cut fresh this morning for my bedside table

While in reality, he is quiet, reading the town's daily newspaper
(or rather skimming the headlines for something "interesting")
with Wheel of Fortune on in the background
and the microwave humming with last night's pasta leftovers warming inside

And while he lacks sophistication, he looks at me with wisdom and kindness
and while we lack conversation and romance, he takes his plastic fork
and feeds me utensil-wound noodles in sauce,
shares his cranberry juice and burrows his feet under my thighs
just after kissing my cheek so I know he loves me

-- The Muse (2000)

Despite all the blah, blah I was talking when I wrote my first post, I did not start this blog for any drinking fest, blogger convention or any other such nonsense. I was conned into writing. I actually just wanted to post a comment to another blog but that person only allowed comments from bloggers. So I signed up. Of course I didn't have to actually use the blog just because I had a magic password. So why then?

See, I have a gift. Or curse. Depends on how you look at it. I give really great advice. I can see things in other people, or see things about them, that they don't necessarily see in themselves. I sometimes can be very inspirational. A real life muse. The bad thing is that I can't see the path of my own life. I feel sometimes that I'm too in it to see out of it. My sight is blocked and I undermine my own destiny.

The blog was kinda like my way of giving myself advice. Hence the moral of each story. I'm not preaching to you all. Just to myself. If someone else learns or gains something from my little stories, that's just an added bonus.

So bear with me as I work through some things. Today I'm blogging, a few days early, to try to get an understanding of myself. Of my biggest self-sabotage to date. My Achilles' heel. Or heels.


and Love.

I am and have always been a hopeless romantic, in the most dramatic sense of the word. I not only believe in love at first sight, I swear by it. Depend on it. In my mind, it is logical for two people to be cosmically connected. And I want that connection so deep in my core...that I have this very bad habit of testing every man with potential to see if he's "THE ONE." Not, do I try to find the value in him. Instead, that I woo him until he's convinced that he may be my soulmate and then I poke and prod until I find one little flaw and then it's..."Well, thanks for playing! Next contestant, please." I run relationships into the ground. All because I have this strange belief that when I find it, I'll know...and until then, nothing can satisfy me. It's like always having a taste for something but not knowing what that something is. I'm always thirsty.

I've heard others describe a similar relation to jobs and success. So I am by no means unique. But still, it's not a good feeling.

But what's strange now is that I have been, or have claimed to have been, in love so many times that I don't think I know anymore what real love is...what it looks like...what it feels like. And really, I'm not sure that I've ever known. I can't rely on my heart to tell me. My heart is unreliable. And it's finicky. One minutes it's in love; the next growing bored and longing for the next time passion that will make it go aflutter. My heart is in it for the thrill. I can't rely on my mind either, because it has a checklist that it bases its decision on, and that list is so far from comprehensive, it's scary.
  • Cute?
  • Nice chest?
  • Decent-sized manhood?
  • Good sense of humor?
  • Ability to form intelligible sentence constructs?

No really...that's it. It seems that every universally attractive man who has a few funny, grammatically correct jokes in his arsenal and a nice package is enough for my mind to start thinking of names for our children. I know! It's pitiful. But at least I'm being honest, right?

Actually, I've always imagined myself with a scholarly and romantic kind of brother...someone to debate talk passionately with about some of life's real issues. Someone whose depth is visible on the outside...who I can just look at and see his true being. Someone who gets excited about the simple things in life and who wants to share them.

Instead I find myself with the true MAN'S MAN. You know the type. He thinks you should know that he loves you because he does things with you that he hasn't with any other woman. He shares food from his plate. He lets you in his space that he used to relish having all alone. He does not communicate usually...not in the traditional sense. He's a jeans and t-shirt, football and beer, working on cars for fun kind of guy. But in my mind, he meets all the requirements. And in my heart I know he cares, and I know that should be enough.

SHOULD BE...but it's not.

I'm just too damn picky. But I'm holding out for perfection. I just hope when I find it/him, my sight is developed enough by then to recognize it.

And in the meantime, I'm always accepting applications.


  • At Thu Aug 25, 01:23:00 PM, Blogger DJ Diva said…

    I agree with Beloved...I was just thinking this to myself yesterday..."Am I too picky?" But ultimately it came down to..although I may have fun...he ain't the one so NEXT! Can't seem to break out of that so I decided to be celibate this summer...and not get the sex involved...Works very well LOL
    Great post!

  • At Fri Aug 26, 01:14:00 PM, Blogger Zeezy4Sheezy said…

    Can I start downloading my application to your site. I'm meet most qualifications and people like me.. lol

  • At Fri Aug 26, 06:17:00 PM, Blogger Bullet Proof Diva said…

    now see? this is something that I think about all the time. I have been told that I am too picky, have standards too high, and honestly, it irks the hell out of me. If I can't get that powerful connection, life altering, you make me wanna be a better woman, kinda dude, what the hell is the point? I don't desire a perfect being, but I what I do want is someone that loves me, inspires me, and enhances me. I hope to be the same for him.

    Excellent post, I enjoy your writing.

  • At Sat Aug 27, 01:02:00 PM, Blogger Aquatic Muse said…

    @ Diva: I was forced into a celibacy until April/May of this year that lasted 7 months or so. It didn't help me much. Just when I started back, I realized that I had forgotten some of my best tricks. I got stay active if only to keep up my game. LOL

    @ Zeezy:

    Dear Mr. Sheezy,

    The AM application review committee meets weekly to discuss possible interviewees for the position of Mr. Right. The committee accepts electronic submissions only and asks that you fully review the aforementioned requirements for qualifications. After processing your materials, the committee will contact you to setup an appointment time.

    Best wishes,

    Prince Charming Steering Committee Chair

    (heh heh)

  • At Fri Sep 02, 12:31:00 AM, Blogger Muhammed Saboor said…

    I am water
    I’ve come to release your thirst
    Clear the blood from your wounds
    Soak your tired feet
    Wash the days that surround you
    Hold you up while you swim
    Carry your boat on my back
    Feed the plants in your garden
    Massage the roof, closing your eyes
    Splash your face and wake you up
    Purify your soul from past experience
    I am your water

  • At Tue Jun 27, 09:23:00 PM, Blogger Julian said…

    I completely understand where you're coming from. I have OFTEN been told that I have too many "criteria" and it's true. I have been the type that will, in a glance, discount a man based on his look or the "vibe" I get from him. I have shot down SO many. And I am a super-romantic like you- I want the Cinderella type love. I have just recently let go of looking for "THE ONE" and am hoping to find one that will accept me and my imperfections just as I will for him- I don't see this as "settling"- I think I'm just being realistic. But, of course, I'll need passion too- and attraction etc etc. It's tough, though- I often get drawn back to my list of perfection... I'm rambling- but I just had to chime in on this topic- I know it well...


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