The Musings of a Muse

Monday, November 21, 2005

Measuring Up

It is 12:34 AM, and I am up blogging. WTF?!!

I need to be sleeping. I have a horribly busy week coming up. But you bloggers are so damn prolific. I tried blogging at work, but I found that I have become terribly unproductive. I tried blogging after work, but my daughter lamented, "Mama, you're always on the computer!"

I've started to feel guilty about not blogging more frequently. I feel like I'm missing something. Like I'm not getting the full effect of the experience. I thought about quitting and just becoming a lurker but the word just sounds kinda scary. Sorta stalker-esque. Plus then I thought that I would be a quitter and I can just hear the name calling and see the razor blades flying. I'm feeling the pressure. Pulling at the strands of my hair, racking my brain trying to think of what to write about next. Thinking that even if I wanted to do this everyday, I'm not sure that I could. I'm feeling inadequate.

What makes it worse is that I miss out on everyone else's blog. I get around to reading hours or days after everyone else, so I miss out on the rap battles, the heated debates, the comment blogging. I feel like I'm being a rude host to those who visit my site who post comments. I feel like I should be commenting to them in my comments, but then that's like blogging too, so I might as well just post to my freakin' blog, but then....well you see my dilemma. *cut to me looking wild eyed and crazy as if I were a Starbucks junkie*

And I love reading everyone else. I read all these great topics about current events and introspection and calls to action and music and just plain ol' funny for no reason posts and I get so caught up that I find myself either spending way too long doing this or blogging in other people's comments. I think I just need to be the TRACKBACK BLOGGER because I feel like I'm much more creative in response to others than on my own. And that's another thing...I read many of my posts and that was not good writing...and I wonder if anyone is reading. But then I get these awesome comments and think I must be doing something right, but what do I know! *cut to me exasperated and frazzled...twitching a little*

Here's a good question:

The only reason I can read and write as much as I do now during work is because my boss is in Chicago and I haven't hired an intern yet. (Btw, the organization with which I work was featured in Jet Magazine...the one with Rosa Parks on the cover...just in case you were interested). I have a system to my daily reads: There are those that I read in the morning when I first get to the office(Ted, Mia, Beloved, Bulletproof Diva, DJ Diva), those that I read on my lunch break (Leah, ManNMotion, Amadeo), and those that I get to either after work or when I need a distraction during the day ( long lost cousin, Faith, Marquis, Clueless, Mack, Midlife Crisis). But there are those who I wish I had time to visit or revisit. Like Kajuana...the first post I read rubbed me the wrong way, but I have just never gone back. No reason really. I would like to try again...she gets SO MUCH love, it's gotta be good, right. Then Jia. She is RAW. I like it, but it made me feel dirty. LOL Kinda reminded me of myself in my younger days. I like Panama's blog...ALOT...but I have only been there twice. Again, no reason. I like Xquizzit too, but the same deal. How do you read everyone? HOW DO YOU GUYS DO THIS?!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *curling up in a ball on the floor, whimpering*

*regaining composure*

It's late. I'm obviously sleep deprived. I'll see you all in the morning.


  • At Mon Nov 21, 06:43:00 AM, Blogger Thirteenlbs said…

    My dear: First of all, why I gotta be in the second round! Some friend you are.

    But seriously-- it's just a blog! Read when you can, respond when you can, but please don't hurt yaself over it-- I need you around!

    The cool thing about blogs is that they're kinda like books in that they'll be there when you have a second to pick them up...

  • At Mon Nov 21, 11:25:00 AM, Blogger Aquatic Muse said…

    @ Mak: I see you got jokes. It's people like you who create this blog pressure. Where's your compassion!

    @ Leah: So you say. But blogging, in my opinion, or as I have found it to be, is far more than just reading. There is a process to it. It is a combo of reading, commenting and checking back to see if your comment was commented on and if you need to comment on the comment comment. Boy, I tell ya'. I just don't know if I'm cut out for this.

  • At Mon Nov 21, 03:39:00 PM, Blogger Amadeo said…

    I don't like being at work so using my computer to keep up here at the office make's it worthwhile. I hate lapses when I don't get to read people so for real I just come in and start going down my links list. I do need a wireless joint as soon as possible though.

  • At Tue Nov 22, 12:31:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Damb this post made me anxious. I feel the same way though. Dont want to miss anything good posted anywhere. Someone needs to create a blog that gives daily updates on the good posts for that day.

  • At Tue Nov 22, 05:34:00 AM, Blogger Aquatic Muse said…

    @ SOB: OMG! That's such a great idea. Like Talk Soup. I'm SO on top of this. But it'd have to be the weekend wrap up. Like Best Week Ever for Blogging. OOOooooo. I really like this idea.

  • At Tue Nov 22, 01:46:00 PM, Blogger Icey said…

    I totally relate to this entire post!!! I just go down my list. I don't comment on every topic but I read certain people everyday.

    Blogging is supposed to fun girl!! Don't stress yoruself!!

  • At Wed Nov 23, 10:40:00 AM, Blogger DJ Diva said…

    Damn girl...I'm in the coffee break group??? I am so honored...LOL

    I really don't know what to say other than I FEEL THE SAME WAY!!!!

    i won't lie...I read those people who comment...and if you on my list...I know I'll read you soon...

    I love comments after the fact....those are the best...a person who has been busy but took the time to read through the stuff they missed and then comment???? That's the best....I do like to keep up the ongoing commentary on my blog...but I give it a limit....if you comment on anything that's still on the page...then I'll respond most times...if it's an old post I'll enjoy the comment..unless the person wants a response...I would love it if more people did it...We'll see after my greatest hits post

    When do I find time to blog? Well I'm a full time student and a parttime DJ so I have hours during the day i guess...and I don't have a live-in man (as you can see from my post on porn last night at 2am LMAO)...You do it when you can...don't kill yourself...I went through that...and all my focus was on blogging...had to snap that and strike a happy will too...and I'll be reading when you chose to write...your voice is refreshing and real...and as a mom whose kids complain about the computer too...I feel ya girl!!!
    (funny my honey said go head baby and write during the Vibe Awards...I loved that)

    Damn I done blogged in your comments...I guess I was shocked by the two posts in one week too LMAO ;)

  • At Tue Nov 29, 11:23:00 AM, Blogger Bullet Proof Diva said…

    ok, I am cracking up @ you, oh my! I sounded like that back in the summer when I was hard core into blogging, but no no no, this is meant to be FUN, no pressure, LOL

    and aww! I was in the morning read! yay! ha ha!

    I'll halla back when I am back to blogging regularly, LOL.

    Stay up chick!

  • At Sun Dec 04, 08:34:00 AM, Blogger Aquatic Muse said…

    I promise I'm gonna post soon. I swear.

  • At Sun Dec 04, 11:51:00 AM, Blogger DJ Diva said…

    Look how pretty you are!!!!!....girl u been hiding that smile LOL

  • At Mon Dec 12, 11:26:00 AM, Blogger Zeezy4Sheezy said…

    I feel bad because of my messed up internet situation I can't post as frequently and I only view blogs at work and am utterly afraid to post anything at work.. Don't know who's watching.. Lastly I'll have to second DJ DIVa's sentiments you are kinda cute

  • At Tue Dec 13, 01:03:00 PM, Blogger reef said…

    I feel you, there's absolutely nothing wrong with taking a little break. I didn't really blog through all of November just because life got hectic and I didn't have time to sit at the computer. Shit happens.


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