The Musings of a Muse

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hey Lady!!! Get out of the way!

I hate police officers.

Maybe not hate...and maybe not all of them...but I have an extreme distrust and dislike for men in uniform. Not sailors, though. I have a weakness for Navy men. Off subject...sorry.

The point is, I don't like police officers. I don't have a good reason for it personally. I've never been arrested. Nor have I had a run-in with the law (unless you count all those unfortunate citations for "ridin' dirty"). In fact, I used to work at a law office, so I am a proponent for not breaking the rules. But for some reason, I get nervous around police and tight-lipped and feel an overwhelming emotion that's a lot like hate well up inside of me.

So pretty much, I hate police. It may be because I'm black...although let some of my friends tell it, even that is debatable. Maybe it it's because I've seen too many movies. Maybe it's because I have never really seen a police officer who wasn't corrupt or lazy or just not protecting people. I'm sure they exist, but I haven't had the pleasure. I see cops speeding, harassing people, taking long executive lunches and/or doughnut breaks, and even those with just a flashlight and a walkie-talkie get on power trips. Maybe it's because my brother has been ticketed for DWB (driving while black) and even had a cop steal the money out of his wallet. Or MAYBE it's because of stories like this.

A story ran yesterday on about an 82-year old woman with a cane who got a ticket for crossing too slow in the crosswalk. Apparently, the light changed before she was able to make it the whole way across, and an on-looking motorcycle cop issued a citation for $114 for impeding the flow of traffic.

Look, I'm not perfect. I shout epithets through the rolled up windows in my car at people who drive too slow, or people who bicycle too far into the street (especially when there's a sidewalk), and especially those folks who walk across the street like they are immune to the front bumper of a car. I have passive aggressive road rage. But there are two groups of people whose pedestrian transgressions are overlooked: people with kids (especially those with strollers) and semi-immobile old people. You have to be a heartless asshole to honk your horn at people who are going as fast as they can. Just chill. The 10-15 seconds you have to wait for them is worth the patience. Even if you miss the light. It's bad karma to rush the cross-walkers who are trying.

And as for the police, is it not your job to protect and serve? Did anyone offer to help the lady across the street? Ticketing her is not helping keep her safe. Think of the consequences. If she tries to cross again, she'll rush and probably break a hip...then she'll sue the city for the cost...and get an electric wheelchair...which is so much slower as it takes a minute to get on and off the curb alone. She might choose not to walk anymore, sit in the house all of the time and die lonely, fat from not exercising, and depressed from lack of socialization and diminished vitamin D levels from lack of sun exposure.

Or worse...
She might start driving again.